I try to stay pretty active both at work, and in my off-time. I was pretty hard into triathlons about two years ago, and have finished three half Ironman distance and one IronMan distance events. My training fell off pretty hard after 9/15/2007, shortly after this one made her arrival. I love my new life with my girls, and I am in no way lamenting my new lifestyle. As fulfilling as finishing those longer races is, they in no way compare to how awesome my life is now. But I am a person who enjoys competing in sports, and I am fairly bullheaded in acknowledging my decaying body.
I have been able to run on a fairly consistent basis, some inconsistent weight training, as well as trying to keep up with guys ten years my junior playing 4-on-4 flag football every Sunday. Unfortunately, I am eating like someone with a tapeworm training for the IronMan. So the gut aka "The Shed"(as you always build a shed over your best tool), continues to grow. Nutrition is another matter; anyways, triathlon season has just begun, and I am in now way ready for it. So I plan on looking in to some other different ways to train, compete, have fun, and (most important) get back home in a reasonable fashion. So here are some options:
April 18 Florida Firefighter Combat Challenge-Gainesville, FL: This is the FF race that you've probably seen on ESPN a few times. I've only done it twice for time, and I've done pretty well. Mind you, it wasn't in this type of setting; however, it was a competitive one. It's an event that plays into my strengths: racing up stairs, hitting things, carrying dummies, all in FF turnout gear/airpack, and breathing airpack air. BTW I weight over 300 lbs. in all my gear.
April 12 300 Challenge-Longwood, FL: The 300 workout is a pretty intense series of exercises performed non-stop, that was used for testing the fitness of all the extras in the Sparta Blockbuster 300. A local tri/cycling race director is trying to put together a "300 Challenge" competition, where you would perform the exercises for time. And with perfect form.
25x Pull-up +
50x Deadlift @ 135# +
50x Push-up +
50x Box Jump @ 24” box +
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +
50x KettleBall Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps) +
25x Pull-up
That is the actual workout that the extras used, and it is tough! The below version is what I would do; however, it is still tough in its own right. I did this workout on Wednesday night, and I woke up more sore than I was the day after IMFL!
25 pushups +
50 lunges +
50 box jumps (16″) +
50 sit ups +
50-push press (2×15) +
50 air squats +
25 pushups
4/24 IOA Corporate 5K-Downtown Orlando: I've done this race 2-3 times before. It's a five minute drive from Castle Coughlin, free (depending on which of my employers I enter under), and there is a big block party inside the Citrus Bowl afterwards. What really sucks about this race is the 5,000 other participants-many of which don't really have much road race etiquette. Last year, I did the race along with a couple other FFs that finished the 5K all while wearing full turnout gear-no airpack(with running shoes, of course). The race was hot as balls, I must have lost 5 pounds during the 3.1 mile run. I managed to maintain a manageble pace, without stopping to walk, and finished just under 30:00. I think there was one guy in FF gear that finished faster than me, but no one really cared or noticed. This year should have almost 50 FFs running in gear, so I will probably thrown my hat into the ring for this one.
EDIT by Dave 4/3/2008
Well cousins, I've taken your opinions under advisement, and I do believe that I will give each of these events a try. All three events three weekends in a row, and if my schedule permits I'll try 'em all. I'll post my results.....
EDIT by Dave 4/3/2008
Well cousins, I've taken your opinions under advisement, and I do believe that I will give each of these events a try. All three events three weekends in a row, and if my schedule permits I'll try 'em all. I'll post my results.....
I'm glad to hear that my husband isn't the only grown adult who thinks he's Brett Favre while playing flag football (on Sunday nights no less)!
My vote is for the one with all the exercises that you have to do correctly, etc...... Of course now that I'm commenting I can't see your blog to reference the name of it!
By the way - that little one of yours is a cutie patootie!
Do the firefighter challenge thing. I've seen that on TV and its freaking badass...Only appropriate that an Ironman tackle it.
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